Deacon Paolo at his diaconate ordination Mass, September 7, 2019
As we celebrate the birth of our nation, our long holiday weekend will be one spent out of the ordinary. As we live through this extraordinary time when, to live our love in action, we stay apart and at a distance from friends and family, the question bubbles up: "What to do now?" We’ll have more time this weekend than on other 4th of July holidays to be still, with more time to watch, to listen, and to read.
We’d like to invite you to watch, listen and read about a new face in our community, Paolo Puccini, CSP. As we pray with and for Paolo as his ordination draws near, get to know him, learn his story, that of the son of a Colombian immigrant father and an American daughter of a military family. Witness the journey of this bright young man whose faith was formed in his family, at his parish, through his Jesuit high school education and guided by the influence of the Paulist Fathers at UCC during his studies at UT in Plan II and Mechanical Engineering.