Jesus did this [changed water to wine] as the beginning of his signs at Cana in Galilee and so revealed his glory, and his disciples began to believe in him.
~ John 2:11
In a Small Christian Community meeting this week, as we previewed John’s Gospel, there were smiles at the math of this miracle.
6 Stone Jars x 20 - 30 Gallons of Water Yield = 120 – 180 Gallons of Wine!
What a miracle to meet need with a response of extraordinary generosity!
There’s much to consider in this Gospel – Mary’s awareness of Her hosts' needs; the interaction between Jesus and His Mother; Mary’s confidence that, whether He thought He was ready or not, He was; the details of the social event; the revelation of His glory; the blooming of the disciples’ belief. With two miraculous events - last week's Voice naming the Beloved Son and now this reluctant miracle - we mark the beginning of a Time we call “Ordinary.”
Jewish stoneware ritual jars from the Second Temple Period Israel Museum, Jerusalem Photo by Avraham Hay