New Year’s Eve in June? Yes! Fraternal Year 2022-2023 draws to a close next week. The Knights had another busy year as reflected in our end-of-year activity report to Supreme. We submitted 16 activities for the Columbian Award, four in each of four categories of the Faith In Action program:
Faith – Seminarian support, OLG Pilgrimage, Spirit of Hecker Award, Ordination Anniversary Gift
Family – SACS Teacher & staff support, Christmas Poster Contest, Good Friday Family Promotion, Food Pantry support
Community – SACS Free Throw contest, Wheelchair donation, Helping Hands, Epiphany Welcome event
Life – Silver Rose, Gabriel Project & St. Louise House Support, Novena for Life, Rally for Life support
Not to mention several taco breakfasts, two Lenten fish fry dinners, Micah6 drop-in meals and more! We will cap off the year with the Officer Installation Ceremony and BBQ Dinner on June 28th. The new Fraternal Year starts on July 1.
If you want to be part of the action, check us out at K of C and join on-line!