We live in a time of uncertainty. It would be really nice to have everything certain and clear, but we do not have that luxury. So, we have to look at the data and make the most prudent decision we can.
This is especially true regarding the appropriate response to the ongoing Covid epidemic. It is complicated by the unknown impact of the new variants of the disease. Should we require masks at Mass or not? Above all we want to keep people safe. That is not only our desire, it is also our responsibility. So how best to move forward?
We sent out a survey about masks to our parishioners, and over 400 of you responded. Thank you for your quick response.
Just over half (58%) of you are comfortable being around others who aren’t wearing masks. Yet nearly 40% are uncomfortable around other people not wearing masks. About 60% of families with younger children want us to continue to wear masks at church. That makes sense as children under 12 years of age cannot yet be vaccinated for Covid.
In addition, the growing impact of the Delta variant of the disease adds another unknown. But we cannot wait till we have perfect information. With the early results of the survey the Parish Council discussed our parish mask policy at their meeting on June 29.
Therefore, at least for the next month or so, we are recommending that people continue to wear masks at weekend Masses. Nearly two-thirds of respondents are comfortable or very comfortable continuing to wear masks, and an additional 21% are willing to do so for the comfort of others. We do NOT require mask wearing for those who are fully vaccinated, but we ask you to please consider the concerns of those who have unvaccinated children or compromised health situations. Since the data shows that those who are fully vaccinated do NOT transmit the disease to those who are not vaccinated, wearing a mask is not required (but recommended) for those who are fully vaccinated. If you are NOT vaccinated, we ask you to please wear a mask.
At weekday Masses, when we seldom have children attend and people are well spaced out, masks are fully optional. We do recommend masks when coming forward for Holy Communion. We will continue the practice of having Holy Communion only under the form of bread placed in your hand.
Thank you for your patience and understanding. We will get through this.