ALLELUIA! Christ is Risen!!! Rejoice and be glad, for our Salvation has been WON!!!
Truly, Easter is a day to rejoice. And with Lent behind us and now enjoying Spring, we approach the time of First Communions, of Baptisms, of Weddings, Graduations, and many wonderful celebrations.
This is a time to rejoice. We do not deny nor ignore the many tragic, terrible, and painful realities of our world: the mass shootings at schools in our country, the awful war in Ukraine, famine and drought in many places, political repression in so many places, and our own assortment of illness, accidents, misfortunes, and troubles.
Nonetheless, looking at God’s fidelity in raising Jesus from the dead, and exalting Jesus on high, we have confident assurance of our sharing in the ultimate victory over destruction and death. And that is a reason to rejoice.