Your purchases help raise funds for our Prayer Blanket Ministry and Knights of Columbus. The Journey Retreat group’s Silent Auction proceeds will go to our Persons in Need programs, St. Vincent de Paul and Thursday Outreach. Support the kids of our parish school by buying logo Yetis from the Booster Club, and help our SACS alumni with purchases of poinsettias from St. Michael’s Juniors. Independent makers from Michoacán to Palestine (at the Serrv & Earn Shop benefitting the work of Catholic Relief Services) and beyond, local merchants and entrepreneurs have struggled mightily this year. Your purchases make a difference for them and will delight all on your list. We’re working on a tailgate-style delivery opportunity with Christmas Baskets. Check with your vendor to see if they’ll be on site Sunday, December 6th or 13th. On those special days, we’ll be giving out gift bags with treats unavailable elsewhere on the planet while supplies last! Shop now at our Christmas eBazaar!