“Hollywood Priest: The Story of Fr. ‘Bud’ Kieser” is a truly unique documentary film that details the extraordinary life, entertainment industry career, and national influence of Father Ellwood “Bud” Kieser, a Catholic Clergyman and the Founder of Paulist Productions. Partnering with the St. Austin Parish and the Austin Film Festival, the film be shown at a Special Charity Screening Event.
To present the special May 3 screening of “Hollywood Priest,” the film’s producers, Father Tom Gibbons and Maria-Elena Pineda of Los Angeles will be onsite to speak about the film and the story of Father "Bud."
While entry for this screening is free, there will be a $10 donation request at the door. All proceeds have been earmarked to help the St. Austin Parish “Persons in Need” Collection, the St. Vincent de Paul Society, and the Parish’s “Outreach” Charity Program. Please visit our Treasure page at the button markedDonate Now to make your gift online or by Venmo. RSVP for the event at the Austin Film Festival site using the button marked below.