Our St. Vincent de Paul, Thursday Outreach (currently known to our neighbors in need as “Get Help”) and Gabriel Project have been working together to assist families in multiple ways through, and even after, our Christmas Basket Project ended. Being able to refer young families that we meet through SVdP and Outreach to Gabriel Project is such a gift as those referrals have led to continued relationships and support. Several of the families assisted by our Christmas Basket Project were actually referred by more than one of our social ministries.
Throughout the pandemic, Outreach has served a number of families referred by an organization that supports individuals recovering from trauma. YOUR generosity gave them help for Christmas. Our relationship with the organization and the outpouring of donations allowed the Christmas Basket Project to take on an additional 11 families as the “dust settled” after the holidays.
In addition, with our extra Christmas Basket Project funds, we were able to make gifts to four nonprofit organizations: Micah 6, The Vincentian Family Center (VFC), The Other Ones Foundation (see more about them below), and The Trinity Center. Micah 6 will be able to offer clients invaluable access to transportation through bus passes from the funds, and the VFC offers a substantial food pantry that serves about 300 families weekly. They have remained one of the steadfast agencies offering help and hope during this pandemic. Because it is nearly impossible for us to meet people in person during the pandemic, we feel that supporting the groups that are serving Austin’s homeless population and others who are struggling is a worthy pursuit that brings God’s Love to life.
Your generous support makes this ministry possible. We humbly thank you!