The Knights of Council 10776 wish everyone a bountiful Thanksgiving! We are always thankful for the year-round support of St. Austin’s parishioners which enables us to carry out our charitable mission. Thank You!
As Holiday preparations fill your schedules, there is still time to fit in some K of C activities:
Coming up on November 29 at 7 p.m. is a K of C Fraternal Benefit Night featuring Tom Hegna, recognized as “The Retirement Expert.” This special on-line event is free and open to all.
Our annual Pecan Sale continues through December 11 or we sell out. Same price as last year - $16 per bag. We are spending time with our families this weekend but look for us in front of church after mass next weekend, or place your order online through the button below. Chocolate-covered nuts are almost gone, so don’t delay!