Your gifts make a real difference in the lives of many.
Your gift to the Catholic Services Appeal (CSA) supports men discerning vocations to the priesthood and diaconate, priests currently serving and retired priests. Your gift helps to sustain Catholic schools, religious education, ministerial formation and initiatives for life, peace and justice. Your donations are carefully spent; it is money for God’s work, and used accordingly. Your contributions are deeply appreciated, very much needed and make a real difference in the lives of many.
I am incredibly humbled by the generosity shown by you and your brothers and sisters in Christ to the Catholic Services Appeal (CSA). God has blessed this local church in many ways, especially through the faithful who practice intentional discipleship by sharing their gifts with others.
Contained within this bookletare stories of love, compassion and care made possible through your generosity to the CSA. Please take time to read these stories which illustrate how our Catholic faith is being lived every day in the Diocese of Austin, reflecting God’s love for each other.
Gratefully in Christ,
Most Reverend Joe S. Vásquez Bishop of Austin
Your Gift to CSA Supports
Clergy Formation
Life, Charity & Justice
Spirituality & Worship
Pastoral Ministries
Education & Formation
Prayer for the Catholic Services Appeal
Lord, Jesus, we thank you for calling us together as Church. In you we are one. Enlighten us, that we may know how we are called to foster your Kingdom on Earth through the generous sharing of our time, talent and treasure. Bless our efforts and help us grow into a strong and vibrant community. Give us the grace to support generously the Catholic Services Appeal so that we may, with your blessing, strengthen the Catholic Church in Central Texas. Amen.