It was a perfect day in Austin, Texas. Your generosity made the sunshine even brighter! You gave with hearts wide open. There were smiles, greetings, sprinklings, blessings and the opportunity to magnify acts of charity. Our gallant Knights of Columbus off-loaded your generosity and hauled it a short distance down the alley to the waiting arms of Micah 6 volunteers. Fr. Chuck, Fr. Rich, and, after a Baptism, Fr. Paolo blessed the caravan of kindness - happy to see many they hadn't seen for a very long while. Together, our parish community celebrated the sunny afternoon while filling three truck beds full of food and toiletries for those served by Micah 6! After our Parade with a Purpose wound its way through the Black Top gates, folks from our partner congregations in Micah 6 filled a fourth truck and a trunk load of frozen fare.
An Epiphany Parade with a Purpose
Let's Start 2021 with a Celebration!
Around the world and across many cultures, the BIG event of the Christmas Season is the feast of the Epiphany with gifts from the Three Kings. Inspired by calls from many parishioners who wanted to give food and things -- real things, not just gift cards -- and informed by the needs of those served by Micah 6 of Austin, we've blended several traditions with a uniquely St. Austin twist.
You're invited to kick off 2021 with a Parade with a Purpose. What's the purpose? It's to provide FOOD and THINGS for which there is great need at Micah 6. We invite you drop off donations of food and toiletries for those served by Micah 6. We ask that you package your donations of food separately from donations of toiletries. Here's the plan ~
Sunday, January 3 at 2:15 or so - Caravan departs at 2:30 p.m. We learned from the Fr. Paolo and Mary Berwick parades that assembly time is a wonderful opportunity to see friends at a safe distance and give air hugs. We're together, tho' safely apart.
Our Caravan will assemble in our Parking Garage at the corner of W. MLK and San Antonio St. under the direction of our Knights of Columbus. Let us know in advance if you'll be coming in on camels!
As we did for ordination celebration, we'll parade up San Antonio St. and through the Black Top gates to be greeted by Fr. Chuck, Fr. Rich, and Fr. Paolo, our Wise Men, the Kings of our hearts.
One Epiphany tradition is the blessing of houses. This year perhaps, you can take a photo of your house and bring it - printed or on your phone - for a blessing from our shepherds. Perhaps you can bring something special, a crucifix or the Holy Infant from your Nativity set, for their blessing - or the blessing can fall on your car! While supplies last there will be gifts for you!
Your kind donations of food & toiletries will be cheerfully accepted. Please package food and toiletries separately!
Can't be there at 2:30? No problem! Drop by the Black Top any time between 3 and 4 p.m., when other Micah 6 communities will join us.
"... what the LORD requires of you: Only to do justice and to love goodness, and to walk humbly with your God."
~ Micah 6:8
St. Austin is a proud member of Micah 6 of Austin, a network of faith communities in the University of Texas campus area that work together to answer the call of Micah 6:8. The call is to:
Do justice through education, dialogue, and advocacy.
Love kindness by compassionately serving those who come to us for assistance.
Walk humbly with God by providing opportunities for the spiritual growth of those we serve, our congregations, and other community partners.
Heavy plastic "boot bags" from HEB that are grey inside with red handles and LARGE, sturdy reusable cloth bags that have a flat bottom and handles (Please put donations inside these bags as much as possible)
Canned Goods
(Please, Pop-Top Lids)
Canned soup, with meat preferred
Canned chili, with meat preferred
Canned legumes
Canned vegetables, leafy greens, and carb-heavy potatoes, corn, hominy
Canned fruit
Shelf-Stable Items
Peanut butter
Shelf-stable or instant milk
Spaghetti or macaroni pasta
Dried beans
Instant mashed potatoes
Bottled water
Face masks, any kind
What NOT To Bring &
The Answer to the Question: What's a Boot Bag?
The Food Pantry CANNOT Accept
Any items not on the above lists
Perishable food items
Exotic or ethnic foods (shoppers have a limited ability to choose items due to pandemic precautions and the pantry can't give these foods away)
Regular grocery bags (such as the free ones from Walmart), flimsy or small bags, and bags without handles
From HEB - Available for 23¢
Toiletries for the Micah 6 Street Youth
All Items Must Be New & Unopened and Packaged Separately from Food Donations
Body wash
Feminine hygiene products (maxi pads and tampons, NOT thin liners)
First Aid Kits
Giving to Micah 6 Online, by Venmo, Text, or Check