Find us under Charities as @StAustin-CatholicParish
If you don't see a Charities tab, you might need to update your Venmo app. If you've donated through Venmo previously, you may see our previous account @StAustin-CatholicParish2 in your recent transactions under People. As required by the Diocese, we'll be removing that account on Easter Monday.
Indicate the amount of your donation
In for please tell us how you want us to use your gift - Offertory, Persons in need or PIN, SVdP or St. Vincent de Paul, Prayer Blanket, etc.
Give by Text
Get Started Enter your 10-digit text number - 512 710 0972 - and the amount you wish donate, then press send to (512)710-0972
Tell us how you'd like us to use gift with a simple message - for example, Offertory or PIN for Persons in Need or Flowers for Altar
You'll receive a registration link
Click the link and enter your contact and payment information
Tap “Process”
After your registration is complete, you'll receive a verification text as well as a receipt via email
For future giving, simply send a text with the amount you wish to give - it will process automatically.
The screens you'll see ~
How we should use your gift
We've learned over time that your messages are clear and succint, we can even decipher your emoji giving in Venmo. Please provide a brief description of where you'd like us to use your gift.
Gifts received without your instruction will go to the Offertory.
We're very grateful for all gifts, large or small. They are a blessing to our parish.