Good Smells!
Our sausage wraps were a big hit with parishioners attending the dedication ceremony last Sunday. We received many favorable comments – Thank You! Even Bishop Vasquez had this to say as he walked past the kitchen during the holy water sprinkling: “Smells good, guys, smells good!” This Sunday, come to Paulist Hall to experience more good smells – and tastes – as the Council will be selling our World-Famous breakfast tacos after the 7:30 and 8:45 Masses!
Coming up soon is the first Fraternal Benefit Night of the year. Join us on Tuesday, Oct. 17th at 7:30 CDT for a free webinar titled Aligning Financial Decisions with you Catholic Values, presented by Anthony Monopoli, President and Chief Investment Officer, K of C Asset Advisors. Learn more about insurance, investments and charitable solutions that align with your Catholic values. This event is free and open to everyone, just pre-register at .