Francie Sarrat's diligence and hard work won her acceptance to the AISD's highly-competitive Liberal Arts and Science Academy.Consistently ranked among the best high schools in Texas and the United States, LASA offers a world-class education, rigorous curriculum and robust hands-on learning.
At LASA, our Francie will explore the range of her artistic and intellectual talents—from fine arts and philosophy to robotics and stem cell research. Much like our destination parish school, LASA is a diverse magnet school with scholars from every ZIP code in Austin.
Photo of LASA
SACS Dad Runs for Fun & Funds!
Aaron Colburn, SACS parent and alum of St. Michael's Catholic Academy, was recently challenged at work to participate in a fundraiser to benefit nonprofits working to help Texans get through and recover from this terrible winter storm. Aaron chose to represent our parish after having read about our work with Persons in Need.
Are you curious about the work we do in Social Justice? We invite you to learn more at Charity & Justice.
Visit Aaron's fundraising page on Facebook with the button below to help him toward achieving his ambitious goal of raising $5,000 for our efforts with those in desperate need of rent, utilities, food, and more.