We’re not drowning in our tears Oh but there sure have been enough to drown in It’s hard to face the day from here When it looks like the night has it surrounded
Sometimes all this pain and sadness Is more than a heart can handle But I’m tired of cursing at the darkness I’m gonna light a candle
He was saying I can’t breathe Calling for his Mother up in Heaven Oh say his name to me Pray that we never start forgetting.
Sometimes all this pain and sadness Is more than a heart can handle But I’m tired of cursing at the darkness I’m gonna light a candle
St. Vincent de Paul Meeting Tuesday Evening, February 2, 2021
One of the great rewards of being a member of the St. Vincent de Paul Society is the deep spiritual component of our work. Twice a month we gather to discuss challenging cases or share resources to help our neighbors in need. We consider our finances to forecast how much help we'll be able to offer.
But more importantly, at every meeting we engage in prayer and reflection led by our Spiritual Directors, James Davis and Bree Buchanan. This week our prayer, and reflection centered on Candlemas. We blessed candles in our homes together by the blue light of our Zoom screens. Later, Jack Gullahorn shared a song by his son, Andy. It speaks to what we can do to help others, we can "light a candle."
Wondering what the St. Vincent de Paul Society does? We seek Christ in those experiencing poverty, homelessness, or simply in need of a helping hand. Here's a description of our Vincentian Spirituality:
Seeing the Face of Christ in the Poor
St. Vincent teaches us to see Christ in the poor and suffering, so much so that the poor become our Lords and Masters and we their servants. Vincentian spirituality is centered around this concept. Jesus said “Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.” (see Matthew 25: 34 - 40). So we honor our Lord Jesus Christ by serving Him both materially and spiritually in the person of the poor. Vincentians believe that true religion is found among the poor, and that as we attend to their needs, they inspire us and evangelize us.
"Abandon yourself to God’s paternal embrace in the hope that He Himself will accomplish in you what He expects of you and will bless whatever you do for Him. Therefore keep your heart ready to receive peace and joy of the Holy Spirit."