Kristen Dempsey Pasyk, Director of Social Justice Ministries, is expecting her 2nd child any day now! To make sure Outreach continues to run smoothly while she is caring for her new baby, a team of 5 volunteers known as the Outreach Leadership Team will be leading Outreach in her absence. Outreach also recently hired Richard Gaunt to serve as the Outreach Administrative Assistant. Since the start of the pandemic, Outreach's remote system for assisting with rent and utilities has required significantly more administrative work than when we met with guests in person. In addition to covering many of the tasks Kristen has been doing, Richard will also work with the Outreach Leadership team to reduce the administrative workload of Outreach over the long term. Welcome Richard!
Meet Richard Gaunt:
"I started attending St. Austin's in 2019 after moving from Delaware. I immediately found a real sense of home and community here, as I went through RCIA and got involved in GAP, the young adult group. I started volunteering for Outreach in January because I felt a nudge to get more involved in faith-based social justice ministry during this time when so many people are struggling materially, emotionally, and spiritually. Outreach connects people, and even small connections can make a big difference in all of our lives. I'm excited to continue serving Outreach guests and the Outreach team as the Outreach Administrative Assistant."
We wish Kristen, Richard, and the Outreach volunteer team the best as they navigate these transitions over the next few months!