The Christmas Basket elves need to properly assess what we can and cannot do this season. Our main goal is to keep everyone safe while still giving to many in need. A few decisions have been made already, and other plans are still in the works:
We WILL sponsor families for Christmas, but it will look different than in previous years. Stay tuned for more details!
We will NOT collect food this year. (If you have been saving bags, you can recycle or donate them elsewhere. Thank you for keeping those and sorry for any inconvenience.)
We can NOT store gifts nor gift-wrap at the church.
We will NOT have our normal Thursday evening gathering to sort food and gifts into boxes. However, we are working on ways to have those who want some ‘hands-on’ involvement engaged safely!
We WILL collect HEB cards and monetary donations to purchase those.
We will more than likely have some sort of modified delivery day, but that is still in the planning stages.
Thanks for your generous support of the Christmas Basket Project in the past. We need your participation more than ever, so be on the lookout for ways you and your family can be involved.