In the midst of our pilgrimage, as we build for the future, we give thanks for the generous volunteers who serve as counselors to our pastor. While this list represents those currently serving on these boards, we’re also grateful to those who graciously gave their valuable time in the past.
Our Parish Pastoral Council Fr. Rich Andre, CSP, Associate Pastor, Marian Barber, Josie Barrett, Chair, Sara Bircher, Kelly BoduTarrant, Nancy Carrales, Janina Flores, Recorder, John Hawkins, PPC Representative to the Finance Council, Julie Kocurek, Fr. Chuck Kullmann, CSP, Pastor, Alison Macor, Ray Mechler, PPC Representative to the Endowment Committee, John Moellenberg, Susan Parker, Fr. Paolo Puccini, CSP, Associate Pastor, Mary Margaret Salls, Vice-Chair & Representative to the School Advisory Board
Our Parish Finance Council Scott Carruth, Trish Dolese, Nicholas Dyer, Mario Espinoza, Chair, John Hawkins, Parish Pastoral Council, Fr. Chuck Kullmann, Pastor, Ida Malina, Ken Mills, Patrick Quinn, St. Austin Catholic School Finance Council, Elberta Smoak, Director of Finance, Mitzi Patiño Eastman, Director of Stewardship
Our Parish Property Committee Steve Beuerlein, Chair, Trish Dolese, Frank Garcia, Parish Facilities Manager, Fr. Charles Kullmann, Pastor, Michael Willard, Diane Zbasnik, Parish Administrator
Our Parish Development Committee From the Parish: Fr. Chuck Kullmann, Pastor, Fr. Rich Andre, Associate Pastor, Tara Cevallos, Principal, Kelly Bodu-Tarrant, Parish Pastoral Council, Ted Smith, School Board, Mario Espinoza, Parish Finance Committee, Trish Dolese, Parish Finance Council, Chris Bell, Property Committee (real estate attorney), Annie Mooney (former school student and Administrative Operations at Alamo Draft House), Tom Campbell (financing strategy and Director, Support Services, Tokyo Electron), Bill Carson (former developer), Christopher Kennedy (chairing committee) From the Diocese: Deacon Ron Walker, Mary Beth Koenig From the Owners: Owner's Broker (CBRE): Eric Dejernett, Peter Jansen, Nina Farrell Owner’s Rep: Greg Smith Owner’s Legal Counsel (DuBois, Bryant & Campbell): Rick Reed
St. Austin School Advisory Board Keith Ziegelman, Chair, Chair of the Strategic Plan/Facilities Committee, Lisa Lucero, Secretary, Chair, Mission & Catholic Identity Committee, Joe Morris, Mission & Catholic Identity Committee, Jimmy Paver, Chair of the Marketing & Operations Committee, Martha Schroeder, Chair of the Academics Committee, Patrick Quinn, Chair of the Finance Committee, Camellia Falcon, Fr. Chuck Kullmann, CSP, Pastor, Tara Cevallos, Principal, Misty Poe, Superintendent of Schools for the Diocese of Austin