The Beautiful Plants that Grace Our Church Need YOU!
Please Take A Turn -
Many Hands Make the Work Light
Can you take a turn to help keep our blooms lively? Only two spots remain on the schedule. Treat yourself to a bit of time in quiet communion with your friends, Hydrangea, Orchid, and Lily!
Wednesday, April 20 - Barbara Budde Sunday, April 24 - Anne Quinn Wednesday, April 27 - Judy Smith Sunday, May 1 - Anne Quinn Wednesday, May 4 - Eloise Sutherland Sunday, May 8 - Timoteo Villasana Wednesday, May 11 - Judy Smith Sunday, May 15 - Wednesday, May 18 - Eloise Sutherland Sunday, May 22 - Veronica Lents
Wednesday, May 25 - Barbara Budde Sunday, May 29 -